
Planted is 2 years old, operates in 4 countries and employs 100 people!

Another round of financing with 17 million was discussed!

Welcome to the Family! Plant-based pulled pork expands our product range. At the same time, our products are now also available nationwide from our neighbors in Austria at SPAR.

Next Stop Germany! Our products are now available at EDEKA SĂĽdwest.

Eureka! Our own production in Kemptthal is in operation. 3 products, 32 full-time employees and a lot of hunger for more.

Product launch at the first major retailer in Switzerland - planted.chicken launch at the Coop!

7 million francs from the financing round and immediately the starting signal for the construction of production and offices in Kemptthal.

Founding of the company, our own web shop and the first restaurants with planted.chicken on the menu.

Getting started with the ETH Pioneer Fellowship. Now it's time to present, cook and convince.