Creamy chicken pasta

Duration: 30 min
Level: Easy
Made by: Lara Hüsler from Food4Life
Lara's ( passion for a healthy and sustainable diet is also reflected in her work as a freelance recipe developer and food photographer. She is passionate about creating new recipes, preparing them in a tasty way and photographing them in a suitable setting. It fulfills her to inspire people to eat a varied and fresh diet with creative recipe combinations.


For how many people?
Planted.chicken Fillet Nature
Olive oil
planted.chicken Fillet Nature
Herbal salt
Barilla Pesto Rustico Pomodori Secchi
Barilla sauce and pasta
Olive oil
Onion, finely chopped
Garlic cloves, pressed
Cherry tomatoes, halved
¼ TL
Dried oregano
2.5 EL
Barilla Pesto Rustico Pomodori Secchi
2.5 dl
strong bouillon, cold
2.5 dl
Coconut milk
Cornflour (optional)
fresh spinach leaves (more as required)
vegan grated cheese
Salt and pepper
Pine or cedar kernels
Barilla Al Bronzo Linguine

Products in this recipe

Fillet nature
3,49 €


  1. Planted.chicken Season the fillets with herb salt and marinate each well with 1 teaspoon of pesto.
  2. Toast the pine or cedar nuts without fat in a pan, leave to cool.
  3. To make the pesto sauce, heat the olive oil in a large pan and sauté the onions and garlic for 2-3 minutes. Add the cherry tomatoes and oregano, fry until the tomatoes are soft. Add the pesto and stir. Mix the stock, coconut milk and cornflour in a liter jug and deglaze the tomatoes with it. Bring to the boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes, stirring, until a creamy sauce is formed. Add the grated cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, add the spinach and fold in.
  5. Fry the planted.chicken Fry the fillets in olive oil for 3-4 minutes on both sides until browned.
  6. Cook the linguine according to the packet instructions until al dente.
  7. To serve Add the linguine to the pesto sauce, mix well and arrange on plates, planted.chicken Arrange the fillet on top and garnish with fresh basil and pine nuts. Serve with grated cheese.

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