NENI's Signature Dish

Duration: 30 min
Level: Easy


2 - 3 Servings
400g planted.chicken Jerusalem Style
2 large onions
2 red peppers
Olive oil
Lemon juice

Tahina dip:
100 g tbsp. Tahina (e.g. NENI Tahina)
8 tablespoons water
2 tables poons lemon juice
Pinch of salt

For dressing:
300g hummus (e.g. NENI Hummus
Classic Cherry peas & olive oil)
Some parsley

Products in this recipe

Jerusalem Style
7,19 €


Prepare tahina dip: Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well with a hand blender or by hand.
Cut onions and peppers into strips. Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Sauté onions and peppers until hot, then planted.chicken add and continue to fry for about 5 minutes. Season with salt and lemon juice if necessary.
Serving: Put hummus on a plate, form a hollow with a spoon. planted.chicken and roasted vegetables into the hollow, spread tahina dip and a little parsley to taste.
Serving tip: Tastes wonderful with warm pita bread!

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