Sandwich with red cabbage and chutney

Duration: 60 min
Level: Medium


2 Servings
250g planted.pulled Nature
2 t bsp rapeseed oil
4 tablespoons BBQ sauce
8 slices of toast
4 t bsp vegan mayo
1 package salad mix
2 large tomatoes

200g fresh or frozen cranberries
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp starch

Red cabbage
1/2 head red cabbage
1 medium onion
2 tablespoons canola oil
50ml red wine
1 apple (preferably a tart variety)
2 tables poons sugar
2 tables poons apple cider vinegar
300ml vegetable broth
2 bay leaves
salt, pepper

Products in this recipe

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Dice the onion, remove the outer leaves of the red cabbage and then roughly chop the head. Core the apple and grate together with the peel. Heat the rapeseed oil in a pot and sauté the onions until translucent. Deglaze with red wine and add red cabbage, apple, vegetable stock, vinegar, sugar and bay leaves. Simmer the red cabbage for 30 min over medium heat, set the pot aside, remove the bay leaves and season with salt, pepper and cinnamon.
Put the cranberries in a pot and cover with 300ml of water. Add maple syrup and bring to the boil briefly, then lightly mash the cranberries with the help of a fork. Mix the starch with 2 tablespoons of water and add to the cranberries, stirring constantly. Set the pot aside, let the mixture cool and season with a little cinnamon.
Heat the rapeseed oil in a frying pan, fry the planted.pulled nature in it until golden brown, then stir in the BBQ sauce and let it caramelize for another 2 minutes.
Toast the toast in a toaster or pan until crispy and spread the insides with vegan mayo. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Subsequently, the sandwich with the remaining ingredients (planted.pulled, cranberry chutney, red cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes), fix with the help of a wooden skewer and cut in half to eat.

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