planted.steak sandwich

Duration: 20 min
Level: Easy


For how many people?
Mini baguette
yellow onions
Vegan mayo
teaspoon agave syrup
A handful of rocket salad
Olive oil
Pepper and salt

Products in this recipe

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  1. Cut the onions into rings (5 mm thick).
  2. Drizzle a little vegetable oil into the pan, add the onion slices and cook for approx. 15 mins. until they are nicely caramelized (brown).
  3. In a bowl, season the rocket with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. In another bowl, mix together the mustard, mayo and agave syrup.
  5. Cut the baguette in half horizontally and drizzle the cut surfaces with a little olive oil. Toast the bread for 1 minute until it is lightly caramelized.
  6. Prepare the steak on the grill or in a pan.
  7. For the sandwich, spread a spoonful of mustard mayo on the bread, add some rocket and a generous spoonful of caramelized onions. Cut the steak into 10 slices and carefully spread on the sandwich. Spread a little more mustard mayo on the other half of the bread and cover the sandwich with it.
  8. Toast the sandwich again briefly for extra crispiness.

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