Carrot pita with pesto and planted.kebab

Duration: 90 min
Level: Medium


4 Servings

200g flour
1tsp salt
100ml carrot juice
2.5tbsp oil
1/2 t sp baking powder
1/2 t sp turmeric
250g planted.kebab
1 medium onion
optional: 1 blood orange
optional: 50g arugula

carrot green pesto

1 bunch carrot greens
1 clove garlic
2tbsp pine nuts
100ml olive oil

yogurt sauce

60g vegan yogurt (unsweetened)
1 clove garlic
Salt, pepper

Products in this recipe

3,99 €
18,14 €per 1 kg
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3,99 €


For the patty, combine flour, carrot juice, oil, baking powder, salt and turmeric in a bowl, work with hands until smooth and let rest in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, covered. 
Then divide the dough into 4 balls and roll out thin and round. Bake the individual patties in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat until the dough bubbles, then turn them over.Tip: To prevent the patties from drying out, you can store them in an airtight tin until serving.
For the pesto, roast the pine nuts in a pan until golden brown. Then process together with the remaining ingredients with the help of a blender or food processor to a uniform mass. 
For the yogurt sauce, press the garlic and mix with the vegan yogurt. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Peel and slice the onion. Heat the oil in a medium frying pan and sauté the onions. Add theplanted.kebab and fry for 4 minutes until hot.
Then spread the patties with the pesto, spread the planted.kebab on top and garnish with the yogurt sauce. 
Optional: Slice the blood orange, remove the peel if necessary. Decorate the patties with the blood orange slices and some arugula.

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