16 Feb 2023

Bringing star cuisine home with Tim Raue and Planted

4 minutes reading time
  • The Planted Special Edition "planted.chicken Green Paprika & Lime" by Tim Raue is now available in limited quantities at retailers in Germany and Switzerland and in the Planted webshop. 
  • The Special Edition contains 220g planted.chicken nature and a sauce created by Tim Raue as well as the star chef's recipe for the Signature Dish. 
  • The Asian-inspired flavors of the Signature Dish range from fresh citrus aromas to fruity light spiciness. 

Zurich, February 16 2023 - With easy-to-prepare ingredients such as braised cucumbers, Jerusalem artichokes, yellow lentils, planted.chicken and a pre-cooked, finely aromatic sauce - the new Special Edition from Tim Raue and Planted makes it possible. Who would like itself to the sophisticated taste world of the point cook to dare, should promptly the Kochlöffel in the hand take: The "planted.chicken Green Paprika & Lime" by Tim Raue is available now in limited quantities at selected retailers in Germany and Switzerland and in the Planted Webshop to buy.


Continuation of the Signature Editions with an Asian touch 


The enthusiasm among amateur chefs was great when Tim Raue and Planted announced their first joint Asian signature creation last year. The vegan Peking duck in a specially created five-spice marinade and with a simple recipe made it possible for even novice cooks to immerse themselves in the world of flavors of Berlin's top chef. To build on the enormous success of the first Signature Dish, the cooperation partners have now put together a new creation: The Signature Dish with "planted.chicken Green Paprika & Lime" captivates with the fresh citrus aromas of lime and a light, fruity spiciness. The special sauce created by Tim Raue, which is also used as a marinade for the planted.chicken has a light spicy-sweet-and-sour taste and can be used in a variety of ways. The basic aroma of green peppers unfolds particularly well in combination with the signature dish developed by Tim Raue. Jerusalem artichoke puree paired with the braised cucumber gives the recipe a special spiciness and an Asian touch, which is typical of Tim Raue's cuisine. 


Responsible for the production is the Swiss food start-up Planted, which has made it its mission to offer plant-based meat that does not compromise on taste, versatility or consistency. The goal is to be better than animal meat. To achieve this, Planted works not only with natural ingredients like yellow peas, but also with the people who know best about flavor versatility - and are open to new ideas and ways of doing things. "My cuisine thrives on aromatics, sweetness, acidity and spiciness. And over the past 13 years, it has constantly evolved, becoming more complex and multi-layered. We're always trying to keep our finger on the pulse, and we're always re-evaluating what adjustments we want to make," Tim Raue says of the new creation in collaboration with Planted. He was delighted with the consistency of the Planted products from the first bite. 


Together for more sustainable taste


The Berlin native is one of the most successful top chefs in Germany, with two Michelin stars and five Gault&Millau toques. The restaurant TIM RAUE in Berlin was voted 26th in "The World's Best Restaurants" in 2022, the Planted products are a fixed component of the vegan menu there. 


"I especially appreciate the texture of the Planted products, the fiberiness is extremely close to that of animal meat. In addition, they contain no additives and the aroma is very fine. This makes the planted.chicken perfect for the Asian signature dish. In my restaurant, a vegan menu has been on the menu for three years and a vegetarian menu for 26 years. But especially in recent years, the demand for vegan and vegetarian menus has increased immensely," says Tim Raue. 


The Planted products use significantly less water in production and have been shown to produce less CO2than their animal equivalent. At planted.chicken for example, up to 85 percent less CO2 is produced and up to 63 percent less water is used. In addition, the principle of sustainable circular economy runs through all areas of the company. An innovative manufacturing process helps to conserve the planet's finite resources in particular. In addition, all Planted meats consist of only natural ingredients (peas, sunflower, oats, rapeseed oil and water). 


"We are absolutely delighted that our signature dish from last year was so well received and that Tim Raue was immediately enthusiastic about repeating this coup together with us," says Judith Wemmer, member of the Executive Board and Head of Product Development at Planted. "The fact that our meat from plants is even suitable for star cuisine, which places very special emphasis on aroma, taste, quality and texture, is a real milestone from our point of view. For us, it is exciting to experience - and taste - how a celebrity chef like Tim Raue brings our Planted products into upscale cuisine. It makes our entire team very proud that we have been able to expand our culinary collaboration through the new Limited Edition." 

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