22 Sep 2022

Planted is winner of the "Green Business Award" 2022

1 minutes reading time
The foodtech company beat 38 other companies to win the most prestigious sustainability award in the Swiss economy and thus receives prize money of 25,000 Swiss francs.
The jury's choice was clear. "With its tasty meat alternatives and an outstanding marketing and distribution strategy, Planted has succeeded in associating sustainability not with renunciation, but with lifestyle, and has thus won over not only consumers and the catering trade, but also well-known major distributors," says jury president and former Federal Councilor Doris Leuthard, explaining the decision.
The company thus joins Planted is one of a number of inspiring companies that combine ecological impact with economic success. We would like to thank the presenting partner Swiss Post and all partner organizations - a special thank you also goes to Pusch - Praktischer Umweltschutz, who nominated us for the Green Business Award.
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