Naan wrap with planted.chicken Skewers Tandoori

Duration: 40 min
Level: Easy


For how many people?
Piece of panted.chicken Skewers Tandoori
vegan yogurt (coconut or soy-based)
Cucumber, finely diced (approx. 100g)
small tomato, cored and finely diced (approx. 100 g)
fresh mint leaves, chopped
Cumin powder
Salt to taste
4 piece
Fresh lettuce leaves
Sliced red onions (approx. 60 g)
Sliced tomatoes (approx. 200 g)
Fresh coriander
Lemon wedges to serve (optional)


  1. In a bowl, combine vegan yogurt, diced cucumber, diced tomatoes, chopped mint leaves, cumin powder and salt. Mix well.
  2. Place the raita in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to combine.
  1. Reheat the vegan naan according to the packet instructions or prepare homemade naan.
  2. Once heated, set aside and keep warm.
planted.chicken Skewers Tandoori
  1. Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Add the skewers and fry gently for about 2 minutes per side.
Mounting the wrap
  1. Take a piece of warm naan and place a few lettuce leaves in the middle.
  2. Drizzle it with the prepared raita.
  3. Top with some sliced red onions, a few tomato slices and fresh coriander.
  4. Place the skewer on the naan and remove the wooden stick.
  5. Fold the naan into a wrap and secure the edges.

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